CANOPIES: Implementation of a spoken-based Human-Robot Interaction system for ensuring collaboration in precision agriculture outdoor scenarios (Python)
3D City Reconstruction from OpenStreetMap data: City generation starting from real data information (C++)
The robot RoboCare and the creation of semantic maps: Control of the robot build by me through multimodal interaction (AIML, Python)
Pepper the Receptionist: Development of a 3D virtual environment and Pepper's robot interaction in qiBullet simulator
Nucleic Acids World: Nucleic acids simulator (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Coordination of Soccer Players: Implementation of a game strategy to coordinate Nao robots (C++)
Terrain from noise: Terrain Generator (C++)
Mighty Artix: Web page for Mighty Artix game (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
A study on Face Identification for Cats: Biometric system for cat identification
NL2LTLf translation for restraining bolts application in BabyAI environment: Generation of a restraining bolt for BabyAI environment with the usage of natural language phrases